Transforming your
Mind & Body, Heart & Soul



Do you want to feel energised and cleansed? The Biopulse unit produces ionised water which stimulates the body's own natural cleansing processes at the cellular level.

Negative ions may help to neutralise free radicals and pollutants within the body. This may also help with acidity in the body, which in turn may reduce any pain and joint problems.

Biopulse Field Enhancer Technolgy works by increasing the cell membrane voltage, which improves cellular function and integrity of nutrient and water exchange, toxin release and also prevents toxins getting into the cell. This also helps improve allergy status, immune function and energy due to nutrients and minerals moving across the membrane as required.

The cell also receives energy which is used for cell membrane to cleanse itself of toxins sitting on the outside layer. Once the cell does not need to use the energy for cleansing it may store the energy, so the more Biopulse sessions you have you may eventually start to feel more energised.

Ionisation increases oxygen in water by 300%. This helps reduce inflammation in the blood which is shown with the live blood anaylsis taken before and after a Bio-Cleanse treatment.

Visit the Biopulse website for more information.

Biopulse sessions may help with

  • Toxic Chemicals / Heavy Metals
  • Chronic or General Fatigue
  • Depression, Stress & Anxiety
  • Poor Liver & Kidney function
  • Low Immune function
  • Inflammation & Pain, Colds & Flu
  • Post Radiation Treatment
  • Parasites, Pathogens
  • Arthritis, Fibromyalgia

Sessions involve relaxing in a foot-spa for 30 minutes.

Please Note: All our healing modalities are not a substitute for medical or psychological care. We rather see their use in a supportive role in healing and manifestation.